Evolution Markets announces today a collaboration with Emstream, the leading broker of physical liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargoes, and its online market platform Emsurge. Together Evolution Markets and Emstream will provide vital natural gas pricing data and financial markets access to facilitate hedging.
Evolution Markets’ brokers will co-broker physical LNG cargoes with Emstream, which has more than a decade of experience in LNG markets. Further, Emstream customers will be referred to our London team to execute hedges in financial markets, including the JKM LNG futures contract and trades in the Dutch TTF hub, the UK NBP hub, and the US Henry Hub.
In addition, Evolution Markets will provide Emstream with pricing data for JKM, TTF, and NBP markets for use on the Emsurge platform. Emsurge serves as a price discovery and trading platform for LNG physical cargoes.
The global LNG market is increasingly focused on developing liquidity in hedging instruments such as JKM and pricing trades as a basis to the major natural gas trading hubs, including TTF, NBP, and the US Henry Hub. The UK-based Emstream and our London, New York, and Houston based natural brokerage teams will work together to grow the global physical LNG market, as well as expand hedging opportunities for traders of LNG cargoes.
For more information on global LNG and natural gas markets, or additional information regarding our work with Emstream, please contact our London natural gas team at: +44 (0)20 7264 4550 / eurogasdesk@evomarkets.com or our US natural gas team at: +1 914 323 0270 / natgasdesk@evomarkets.com.