Yesterday, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) adopted rules to allow Load Servicing Entities (LSEs) in the state to use tradable renewable energy certificates (TRECs) to comply with the State’s renewable energy obligations.
California has one of the most ambitious renewable portfolio standards (RPS), requiring entities selling electricity in the State to match at least 20% of their obligations with renewable energy. The decision, which effectively allows electricity sellers to purchase renewable energy attributes separate from the electricity – and do so from projects outside of California – is likely to increase the efficiency of the California REC market and help lower costs for consumers.
The CPUC decision laid out the details on how the TREC program would operate. Key provisions include:
TREC Transaction Definition
Effective Date
Eligibility of TRECs
Usage Limit
Price Cap
We will provide a more detailed analysis of the market in the coming weeks, including an overview of the potential trading market and risk management strategies utilizing TRECs. For more information on the TREC decision by the CPUC or to transact in this market, please contact the Evolution Markets West Coast Renewable Energy team at: +1 415.963.9120.